Saturday, 19 April 2014

Steel Pelicans by Des Hunt

Title:     Steel Pelicans
Author: Des Hunt

Steel Pelicans offers readers excitement, explosions, and delves into the dynamics of family relationships and friendships. The story is set in both Australia and New Zealand, where a boy named Pelly experiences some life changes that influence many things including school, friends, and the ultimate Steel Pelicans.

I read this novel to a year 7-8 class during my second teaching practicum. Everyday the students begged me to keep reading as they became immersed in Pelly's story. The plot encouraged the students to think critically about decisions made throughout the book and offer alternatives and different perspective. A brilliant book to use within the classroom to engage, entertain, inspire, and motivate the more reluctant readers.

Des Hunt's Steel Pelicans is action packed, but also heart warming which means there's something for everyone.